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Home-Workouts became more easy with this Peachy Bands! Workout anywhere, anytime you want!

  • Made Of Commercial Grade Plastic & Will Last a Lifetime
  • Relieves Back Pain In Minutes and Fits Anywhere
  • Feels Amazing While Using & Is Simple To Setup
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee & Free Shipping

"..Get rid of monthly payment for Gym Fees or Fitness Classes.. Become a pro with this Workout Bands"

100% No Risk Money Back Guarantee

What Is Peachy Bands?

As work-at-home became a trend as the result of the current pandemic, some of you can't anymore go to the gym or attend your fitness classes.

Well, good news folks! :) PEACHY BANDS is here to help you on that. 

Say goodbye to gym fees and enrollment payments for fitness classes. As these bands can be your workout-buddy, anytime, anywhere you want. 

Made up of high-quality materials that can last longer than other normal bands. Enjoy working-out with your favorite Peachy Band color for it comes in different colors. 

Exercise anywhere, anytime you like! 

Very Elastic Design

Edge reinforcement design not only improves elasticity, but also reduces the problem of edge eversion during use. 

Built-In Anti-Skid Stripes 

Two anti-slip lines on the inside to increase friction, no need to worry about the hips slipping.


This is not only for your butt exercise but all of your body can benefit once you exercise with this bands. Hitting many birds at one stone. 

What Our Happy Customers Say:

Monique Haskin

Verified Purchase

This worked amazing. I never thought I would really love this one. It helped me to workout everyday for I just do it inside my room. One of my great purchase so far. 

Cool bands. So professional. The bands are in High-quality and worth the price. As a vlog editor, I don't go out often, so it really is a big asset for me. Thank you! 

Kian Marcus Lavigne

Verified Purchase

Sussette Wilkins

Verified Purchase

A life-changing purchase of mine! I don't actually workout cause I am not fond of going into the gym. But because of Peachy Bands I have tried to workout and eventually I am lovin it now! Super thanks ;) 

A wonderful product. From its appearance to quality it's a 10/10 for me. A must try for every Moms out there. It helps me to be in shape again, and my husband is loving it! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Priscilla U. Pench

Verified Purchase

How Peachy Bands Become

An All-in-1 Workout Equipment!

Peachy Bands work similarly to free weights, but there are a few key differences. Like dumbbells, barbells, or any other free weights, Peachy Bands provide external resistance that your muscles have to work against. When you’re pushing against a resistance band during an exercise, your muscles have to engage to fight the tension.

If you’re into yoga, this can be a good partnering tool too. 

Its elasticity and flexible design makes it more versatile and can be used in any types of workout from head to toe. 

Basic Exercises Using Peachy Bands 

Step 1

Ankle Jumping Jack

*Place a mini band loop around your ankles.

*Stand in a quarter-squat position (a shallow squat), with your feet about hip-width apart and your hands at your chest.

*Jump your feet out and in for 1 rep, keeping a bent knee position throughout and landing softly each time.

*Complete all your reps.

Try not to let your body pop up too high, and land with your weight mostly in your heels, not your toes.

Step 2

Standing Glute Kickback

*Loop a mini band around your ankles and stand with your feet hip-width apart and your core engaged. 

*With your hands at your chest or on your hips, shift all your weight into your left leg and place your right toes on the floor about an inch diagonally behind your left heel, so there is tension in the band.

*Squeeze your core and tuck your pelvis under as you kick your right leg back about 6 inches. Keep your knee straight.

*Return your right foot to tap the floor, keeping tension in the band, for 1 rep.

*Complete all your reps, then repeat on the other side.

“This is not a big movement,” If you feel your lower back arching when you kick, make the movement smaller. Try not to put any weight in the leg that’s kicking as it comes back down to the ground.

Step 3

Banded Walk

*Loop a mini band around your ankles.

*Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold your hands at your chest or place them on your hips. Bend your knees a few inches and hinge forward at the hips, keeping your abs engaged and glutes tight.

*Take one step forward. That’s 1 rep.

*Take 10 steps forward and immediately take 10 steps back. That’s 20 reps. (If you are doing the shorter workout option, complete for 45 seconds.)

*Be sure to keep your back flat and shoulders back so you’re not hunching over.

Step 4


*Loop a mini band above your knees around both thighs.

*Lie on your right side and prop up your head with your right hand. Bend both knees and bend at the hip so your thighs are perpendicular to your hip. Keeping your feet together, elevate your feet to hip height, while your knees stay touching the floor.

*Keep your feet together as you lift your top knee (your left knee) toward the ceiling.

*Slowly lower your left knee down to return to your starting position. That’s 1 rep.

*Complete all your reps, then repeat on the other side.

If it’s too difficult to open up your knees with your feet in the air, leave them on the ground and do the same movement. “This is a good activation exercise to do before any lunges or squats,”.



Backed by a 90 day guarantee!!!

If you don’t absolutely love Peachy Bands, get in touch within 90 days. We offer a hassle-free refund because we value your back almost as much as you do.

Get Your Peachy Bands Today!

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The most frequently asked questions about Peachy Bands

How can I use Peachy Bands?

It is so easy to use. You just have to use like a big rubber band and use it to workout. You can use to your thighs, arms, legs, and any parts of your body.

Is it slippery to the skin when you sweat?

It has anti-skid stripes that makes friction and can stick more to your skin or clothes even when you sweat.

I’m think/I’m fat. Can I still use it?

Absolutely! It is super-flexible and durable to hold enough to stretch it more wider.

How fast will it get delivered to me?

We ship all orders Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm EST. Orders from the previous day are processed within 24hrs usually and are then sent out. Do to COVID - 19 and shipping delays, you can expect your package within 3 - 12 business days depending on your location. We try to get it to you as quickly as possible.

What if I don't like it?

We have a 90 day money back guarantee for any reason at all. Just contact us at:!

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Phone:  (866) 847-2566
